Friday, November 14, 2014

Maximum Ride

The Maximum Ride series by James Patterson is such a great series for anyone who likes realistic fantasy/ fiction. The reason I call it realistic fantasy (that's not really a thing) is because it is in my mind fantasy. It's about 6 kids who are only half human. The are also half bird. They have wings and super human abilities, speed, strength, and of course, they can fly. But it's also somewhat realistic, I mean it's not totally far fetched. What if scientists actually could come up with something like that?!

To get more into the actual summary of the book, it's about a girl named Max. She takes care of her family, the flock. Since all 6 kids are orphans who ran away from the "school", Max is in charge at the age of 14. Why not just go back to the school? well, it's not really a school... it's an experimental building where they do tests and experiments on the flock. Not friendly ones either. The school is miserable an they can never go back. They also have to stay clear of the "Erasers". They half human- half wolf like people who are hunting them to bring them back to the school. But when Angel gets stolen and taken back to the School, Max's whole world is turned upside down.  

Alright, so what's the catch? A book can't be that cool without tons of cuss words or bad stuff, right? WRONG! This book is even more awesome because there isn't a ton of cussing. okay so there is a small catch.. there is some cussing... which is why literature is so difficult... all of it now a days has cussing... 
ALRIGHT, beware a rant is coming below: 
(if you want to scroll down and not read the rant, now would be a good time) 

Why do books need cuss words? why? The book makes total sense without the use of that word. Like it isn't needed. Why not say MACARONI or something instead of using dumb words like that?! Like you are an author, can you not think of more creative- clean words than that?
Seriously, even though most books have cuss words, I still think it's important to avoid it as much as possible, which is the whole reason I made this blog... seesh. if I ever write a book, it will be the most awesome, most clean book out there.... and someday, I'm going to create a company that edits books and changes all the cuss words to clean, funny words so that humane people can read without being offended!!!

(okay rant is over, you may continue reading) 

alright, so what's the rate? 
I would rate this book PG 
    it has some violence and some cuss words... 
       all in all I would definitely say it is GOOD! 

The Nitty Gritty for parents (or whoever):
the cuss words used in this book are the S, and A words. maybe the D word too. Ah that's so sad that the author had to add those in... 

Thanks for reading!! :) Comment below :)

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