Friday, July 24, 2015

Sand Dollar Summer

Sand Dollar Summer by Kimberly K. Jones

Twelve-year-old Lise watches her what used to be safe world slowly fall apart when her mom is injured in a car accident. To recover Lise's mom takes her and her little brother to live rickety house on the beach in Maine for the summer. Lise's mom grew up there Lise has never seen the ocean, she is terrified of what might be in the water and is confused by the way Maine is changing her mother. as things from her mothers past start spilling out Lise has to learn how to go with the flow or risk falling apart.

I am absolutely in love with this book and I couldn't put it down, i have read it so many times and it never gets old. It has no swearing, making out, sex, NOTHING! This book is so clean and i love it, the story is a bit sad but it is good. Right from the time the book started I want to put it down. I find now every book is about romance and falling in love but this book barely even touches on romance which is a nice change.

Rate: PG
GOOD!!! this is one of the best books I have read in a long time

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