Monday, April 13, 2015

Game Changer

Ahh!! I am so sorry that I didn't do a review last Thursday. Our family had a cattle sale that I had to help at :-) which was tons of fun, but tonssss of work!! Anyways to make up for last week, I have written up this extra review for you today! :-)

Game Changer by Margaret Peterson Haddix
Like the View From Saturday, Game Changer is a book for about middle school or older elementary school age. However, I read it and enjoyed it! It was just a shorter, easier read for me. I love Haddix books and bought this one solely on the fact that I enjoy the author. I was not disappointed.

KT Sutton's life revolves around sports. Particularly Softball. She's been planning her future Softball career for as long as she can remember. Her life is Softball. But during a championship game KT suddenly blacks out.
When she wakes up she seems to be in a whole different world. Everything looks the same, and yet everything is wrong. It seems that Sports became School and School became Sports. In other words, her whole life is changed. Instead of studying English in school, she studies running, and English is an after school event. Which doesn't seem too bad, until she finds out there is no Softball, or Basketball, or any other sport for that matter. It's all just practice.
To make matters worse, her parents, her all time biggest fans, can barely stand to look at her. In this crazy world, it's her little brother Max is the star of the family. He happens to be a math genius so all the "sporting events" are his math bowls.
How can she possibly make it out of this world? As she finds out that Max was taken here too, and as she works with him to find a solution, she starts to wonder if maybe real life is worse than this fake world.

Sorry that summary is a NOVEL! Ooops... it's a good book okay!! It's super cute and interesting. It definitely made me understand people who live and breathe for sports a lot better. I mean I'm sorta in between, I like sports, but I've never been just amazing at any, so I just goof off during them.
ANYWAYS, to get back on topic, I really think anyone would enjoy this book. Yes it's probably for a younger audience, but WHO CARES? I DON'T!! I will read any good book I can get my hands on. This is definitely one of those books.
Rate: PG/G
    No cussing, totally clean

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