Thursday, December 4, 2014

Matched (Express Week #3)

Happy Thursday! It's day 3 of Express Week! Goody!! I chose to do Matched by Ally Condie for todays!

It's about a girl named Cassia, who lives in a futuristic society (yes, another) where everyone is told what to do & when to do it. Everything is decided for her, and she's never questioned that. Why go against that when everything is perfect? So at her Matching Ceremony when her bestfriend Xander's face flashes on the screen, she knows he is the one for her. Until another face is flashed for a split second. She should just go along with Xander and keep peace... but who is that other guy? Soon she has to choose: controlled perfection, or forbidden love?
I enjoyed Matched a lot! Certain parts were a tiny bit boring, but overall I would definitely recommend this book. Of course, I just love cute romantic love stories with some action... :)
The good news is that this book is cleann!! Yay
rate: PG


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